When are materials due?

All creative and tracking links are required 5 business days for high impact / rich media units and 2 business days for standard units prior to launch. If UBM is designing/developing the unit, please allow 3 weeks for entire production process.

Can revisions to creative be made?

Yes, revisions can be made at any time.

Can the client preview an ad before launch?

Yes, we can place ad on a test page for approval upon request.

Can client run multiple versions of creative?

Yes, we can rotate multiple versions of creative.

Can ads contain audio or video?

Yes, audio must be user initiated and both must have a clear close button.

When can client expect screenshots?

Up to three business days upon launch to provide screenshots.

How are the ads delivered through the ad server?

The ad server paces the delivery of all campaigns based on priority, impression goals, targeting and end dates. The ad server attempts to deliver campaigns as evenly as possible over the length of the campaign. Unless the campaign settings are adjusted to speed up or slow down delivery.

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