Welcome Ad (Interstitial)

Dimensions: 640x480
300x50 (to serve on handheld devices)
Formats: 640x480: gif, jpg, png, html, HTML5, and Rich Media accepted
300x50 (to serve on handheld devices): gif, jpg and png accepted.

Note: All Flash creatives should be converted to HTML5
Max File Size: 100K
Frequency Cap: 1 view per user, per 12 hour period, Non-Looping
3rd Party Ad: 640x480: Needs to be https supported to serve on a secure page
300x50 (to serve on handheld devices): 3rd party tag not accepted, 1x1 tracking pixel and click tracker accepted

Creative Format

Welcome ads are composed of a "Continue to Site" button and the Object creative itself. Both elements are required. Details for each are as follows:
Skip Button: The user can choose to view the ad in its entirety (15 seconds) or skip it altogether. If viewed, after 15 seconds the user will be automatically redirected to the intended page.
Object Creative: The Welcome Ad is launched in the center of the page and is comprised of one click-thru which redirects users to a new window when clicked. If a user does not skip or click on the ad, they will be automatically redirected to the intended page.

Creative Specifications

jpg, gif, png
  • 72 DPI
  • Standard optimization (no progressive scan)
  • Color Mode RGB
(640x480 only)

Tracked Metrics

The following metrics are tracked via UBM:
  • Unique Loads
  • Clicks